The Cosmic Clock – Science of Karma Balancing

“There is no injustice anywhere in the universe. It is all causes and effects of your own doing.”

Cosmic Clock is a Guide for Human Psychology

Psychology of being (Psyche – Soul) is the study of the Soul in relation to its environment.
The door of your subconscious is open to each sign under each cycle of the Cosmic Clock.


Cosmic Clock is Divine Astrology

Divine astrology is the study of the Cosmic Clock that computes your own causes and effects, and your divine plan.
It is a system that shows you how to master your own Karma.


Cosmic Clock is a New Age Science for Karma Balancing

To balance 100 percent of your Karma you must surrender all desire that is less than God.
You must totally give your life to Christ (Christ consciousness).

Cosmic Clock Main Charts

The Four Elements

The Four Lower Bodies


Four planes of Matter in time and space

Fire is your etheric body (memory) – Air is your mental body (mind) – Water is your emotional body – Earth is your physical body

The Twelve Solar Hierarchies

Focusing the Mastery of the Trinity


God has manifestations or expressions of himself through hierarchy (to step down and to make comprehensible to other parts of life a certain facet or aspect of God’s consciousness)

12 Hierarchies or Principles or Virtues are only the major divisions of God consciousness

Each Hierarchy contains 144,000 Cosmic Beings

The God Consciousness

God-Qualities of the Solar Hierarchies


12 principal divisions of God consciousness (frequency – vibration sent forth from the Central Sun)

God consciousness to attain on each line of the Cosmic Clock

All God virtues are released on each line of the clock

The Cosmic Clock Perversions

Human Perversions of the God Consciousness


Four types of aggressive mental suggestions are projected through the magnetic forcefield of man, determined by the vibration of man’s thoughts

Perversions of God consciousness on each line of the cosmic clock create Karma

The lower self of man must be surrendered to God by renunciation of these perversions

Cosmic Clock Perversions

The Triangle of Initiations

Fire, Air, Water and Earth Trines


The testing of fire, air, water and earth signs come in trines

Trine tests are the “Y” forks on the road of life that show up as opportunities and obstacles – the left  side is the “perversion” and the right side is the “victory”

Left handed perversions prevent right handed victory on any line of the Cosmic Clock

Glorify God because glorifying the lesser ego accumulates Karma

Cosmic Clock Audio Lessons

26 Cosmic Clock Lessons

Below are 26 audio lessons about the Cosmic Clock by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Enjoy!

1) God-Mastery via the Cosmic Clock Part 1 of 3

by Elizabeth Clare Prophet | The Cosmic Clock

2) God-Mastery via the Cosmic Clock Part 2 of 3

by Elizabeth Clare Prophet | The Cosmic Clock

3) God-Mastery via the Cosmic Clock Part 3 of 3

by Elizabeth Clare Prophet | The Cosmic Clock

4) Cosmic Astrology Part 1 of 2

by Elizabeth Clare Prophet | The Cosmic Clock

5) Cosmic Astrology Part 2 of 2

by Elizabeth Clare Prophet | The Cosmic Clock

6) The Dust Shall Settle: A Karmic Expose Part 1 of 2

by Elizabeth Clare Prophet | The Cosmic Clock

7) The Dust Shall Settle: A Karmic Expose Part 2 of 2

by Elizabeth Clare Prophet | The Cosmic Clock

8) The Psychology of Being Part 1 of 2

by Elizabeth Clare Prophet | The Cosmic Clock

9) The Psychology of Being Part 2 of 2

by Elizabeth Clare Prophet | The Cosmic Clock

10) Ancient Wisdom Part 1 of 2

by Elizabeth Clare Prophet | The Cosmic Clock

11) Ancient Wisdom Part 2 of 2

by Elizabeth Clare Prophet | The Cosmic Clock

12) The Cosmic Clock: Psychology for Aquarian Man and Woman Part 1 of 3

by Elizabeth Clare Prophet | The Cosmic Clock

13) The Cosmic Clock: Psychology for Aquarian Man and Woman Part 2 of 3

by Elizabeth Clare Prophet | The Cosmic Clock

14) The Cosmic Clock: Psychology for Aquarian Man and Woman Part 3 of 3

by Elizabeth Clare Prophet | The Cosmic Clock

15) Karma, Dharma, Self-Mastery, and Soul Freedom Part 1 of 3

by Elizabeth Clare Prophet | The Cosmic Clock

16) Karma, Dharma, Self-Mastery, and Soul Freedom Part 2 of 3

by Elizabeth Clare Prophet | The Cosmic Clock

17) Karma, Dharma, Self-Mastery, and Soul Freedom Part 3 of 3

by Elizabeth Clare Prophet | The Cosmic Clock

18) Charting the Cycles of Your Family on the Cosmic Clock Part 1 of 2

by Elizabeth Clare Prophet | The Cosmic Clock

19) Charting the Cycles of Your Family on the Cosmic Clock Part 1 of 2

by Elizabeth Clare Prophet | The Cosmic Clock

20) "If I Wash Thee Not, Thou Hast No Part with Me" Part 1 of 2

by Elizabeth Clare Prophet | The Cosmic Clock

21) "If I Wash Thee Not, Thou Hast No Part with Me" Part 2 of 2

by Elizabeth Clare Prophet | The Cosmic Clock

22) "The Prince of This World Cometh and Hath Nothing in Me" Part 1 of 2

by Elizabeth Clare Prophet | The Cosmic Clock

23) "The Prince of This World Cometh and Hath Nothing in Me" Part 2 of 2

by Elizabeth Clare Prophet | The Cosmic Clock

24) The Evolution of God's Consciousness through the Four Planes of Matter

by Elizabeth Clare Prophet | The Cosmic Clock

25) The Ritual of the Atom Part 1 of 2

by Elizabeth Clare Prophet | The Cosmic Clock

26) The Ritual of the Atom Part 2 of 2

by Elizabeth Clare Prophet | The Cosmic Clock

“It is easy to fail a test when you do not know what the test is, thus, you will more likely pass any test of life if you are aware of it and can prepare for it.”


For advanced lessons on the Cosmic Clock please email

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